

FAQ. General. Why do you call it Real? There are a lot of favicon generators around. They all generate a single favicon.ico file and leave you there.

Favicon & App Icon Generator

Convert PNG to ICO, JPG to ICO, GIF to ICO. Create favicon.ico and iOS / Android App Icons. Edit a favicon to fit your needs, or search our gallery.

Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator

Generate and setup a favicon for desktop browsers, iPhone/iPad, Android devices, Windows 8 tablets and more. In a matter of seconds, design an icon that looks ...

Favicon Generator

Customize the favicon text, colors, font, and corners. Generate the favicon images in all the required sizes. Get the favicon HTML code for all browsers and ...

Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers

The ultimate favicon generator. Design your icons platform per platform and make them look great everywhere. Including in Google results pages.

Favicon Generator

Our Favicon Generator lets you create a professional favicon with a few clicks (e.g. from text). Download formats like 32x32 ✓ Online editor ✓ Free ✓ Try ...

Free Favicon Generator

Generate visually appealing and memorable favicons easily without installing design software. HubSpot's free favicon generator lets you create and download a ...

Real Favicon Generator

This is a great way to quickly design and export your favicon and app icons. Thanks!

The best Favicon Generator (completely free)

The only favicon generator you need for your next project. Quickly generate your favicon from text, image, or choose from hundreds of emojis.


FAQ.General.WhydoyoucallitReal?Therearealotoffavicongeneratorsaround.Theyallgenerateasinglefavicon.icofileandleaveyouthere.,ConvertPNGtoICO,JPGtoICO,GIFtoICO.Createfavicon.icoandiOS/AndroidAppIcons.Editafavicontofityourneeds,orsearchourgallery.,Generateandsetupafaviconfordesktopbrowsers,iPhone/iPad,Androiddevices,Windows8tabletsandmore.Inamatterofseconds,designaniconthatlooks ...,Customizethef...